What is the Mary McClellan Foundation?
The Mary McClellan Foundation is a charitable foundation whose purpose is to promote and support the health care needs of residents of southern Washington County and the Town of Hoosick. The Mary McClellan Foundation has a board of directors made up of local residents.

How will the Mary McClellan Foundation carry out this mission?
Each year it will make grants, from the interest earned on its assets, to organizations that work to promote and support the health care needs of the residents of the Towns of Cambridge, Easton, Greenwich, Hoosick, Jackson, Salem and White Creek. Special consideration will be given to those needs that have increased because of the closure of Mary McClellan Hospital.

Is the Mary McClellan Foundation associated with the former Mary McClellan Hospital?
The Mary McClellan Hospital first created the foundation in 1989. Its purpose, then, was to support the hospital, principally by raising funds. When the Hospital ceased operations and declared bankruptcy in 2003, the Mary McClellan Foundation became dormant.

The NYS Attorney General’s office engaged in several years of litigation for the purpose of recovering money on behalf of the Foundation, and to obtain court approval for the transfer to the Foundation of other trust funds which formerly supported the Hospital.

In 2007 a new board of directors reactivated the Foundation and updated its purpose, the support of health care in southern Washington County and the Town of Hoosick.

Does the Mary McClellan Foundation own the hospital buildings?
No. The Mary McClellan Foundation was always an independent corporation from the hospital itself. It has no ownership rights to any of the hospital’s buildings. Its only asset is the endowment consisting of gifts given to it by generous donors over the years.

Is the Board of Directors of the Mary McClellan Foundation entirely new?
Yes. No one now on the Board of the Mary McClellan Foundation was ever on the board of the Mary McClellan Hospital or the Mary McClellan Foundation. This is a reorganized foundation with an updated purpose.

Who will be eligible for the grants?
Any non-profit organization that provides health care to our service area would be eligible. Also, other non-profit organizations that wish to offer prevention or wellness programs are welcome to apply. The organization does not have to be located in the service area, but must serve residents here.

What size grants will the Foundation be making?
The grants will be up to $30,000. Applications for small grants are welcome, and larger grants may, from time to time be given out if deemed worthwhile.

How can an organization apply for a grant?
The grant application is available on this website. It can be downloaded along with instructions for completion.

Rev. 3/21/22